All Episodes
Things You Just Shouldn't Say | S3E18
Gossip v. Non-Gossip | S3E17
Do It Without Grumbling | S3E16
Simple Goals for a Complicated World | S3E15
Working Well Together | S3E14
Why Talk About Jesus? | S3E13
Being a Perfectionist | S3E12
You Are a Minister | S3E11
Interrupted Life | S3E10
Warning Lights | S3E9
Forgive, Forgive, Forgive | S3E8
Preaching to a Mirror | S3E7
Back-to-School Basics | S3E6
Pillar 4: Bear Fruit | S3E5
Pillar 3: Weathering Life's Storms | S3E4
Pillar 2: Growing Bold Spirits | S3E3
Pillar 1: Laying Deep Roots | S3E2
Let's Get Growing | S3E1
The Last Word | S2E75
Real Courage | S2E74